Friday, January 14, 2011

The start of spilling out my thoughts

Welcome blogging world, after a few friends have started blogging it has made me think about how useful this can be for me. I always have a million and one things on my mind and come home with a massive headache and usually end up forgetting everything I thought about all day which doesn't help me any. So I figured if I create this blog I will eliminate some of those headaches and maybe be able to move forward and accomplish some of those things I tell myself I need to get to but never do. It also allows me to have a moment of my day to just think and be alone and type, which I kinda like doing. I used to type my life away in college when I had to type up 15 page essays and I sadly miss that. I feel like my brain has shut down since I graduated. It feels like forever since I left Penn State but its only been a year. Since that year I have been engaged...home owner..and a proud parent of two beautiful PUPPIES. Seems like sometimes my life has been sped up and I'm not ready for whats to come. Sometimes I am pretty happy where I am at in life and other times  I wonder what would be different right now. I def would have been in graduate school and focused on getting my masters and be on my way to a potential great job..but I need to stop thinking about "what ifs" and more about "where to next." Yeah I haven't been focused enough to go back to school...but I have to see where I am at right now and how having my own home at with the man I absolutely love and having two awesome puppies is a pretty damn good place to be at right now. Yeah my job can suck...I have a bachelors and not getting paid nearly what I deserve..but there's perks...I think the perks have allowed me to stay there as long as I have...I also have some great co-workers/friends..which I guess can make up for the pay...but when bills come around...that's when the tears are shed........well to whoever decides to follow my pathetic'll begin to notice the array of topics that run through my head...I can never stick to one simple topic...hense me beginning this blog...hoping it will allow me to become focused more. Well that's it for me now, I will be back tomorrow after my CDA class.

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