Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lost count on my blogs...

well..its been a few days I really should blog everyday so my blogs have more meaning to them but i rarely have time...i come home  at something...and head to bed right ill try to make some time in the morning to write something. Well work has been going pretty good so far...i think i was just going through some personal emotional struggles that made me block out everything else, including work.  I have those days sometimes. Well i bought Zumba for the wii and ive gotta say it sure is a work out...its a lot of fun but i really made it really clear to me i am seriously a white girl. Friend of mine brought up an amazing idea today..we should start doing some yoga every morning and i really hope to go through with this...i was going to join the gym but at the moment the gym =$$$ and not really at the state to be spending a lot of money on it..i have just dance 2, zumba and the P90x to keep me active at home..its just a matter of self discipline..something i will need to get into. So ive started to notice my blogs have become a bit more positive...less moody than the past and i'm glad that i'm not going downhill. I just wish i wrote everyday so i didnt have to just do a blog on recapping the entire week. So on this note..goodnight all..gonna go listen to some music and relax for the is def the key to my heart! i absolutely love my IPOD and my music. <3

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