Sunday, January 23, 2011

5th blog

Well after not having a good day on Friday I had a good night and had a nice date with my babes which was well needed...we really havent had any "us" time in quite a while. I really couldnt remember what it felt like to be on a "date" we where so used to heading to Mcdonalds...or taco bell...or applebees to catch a bite after work that i forgot what it was like...we have been together for close to 6yrs and for some reason it feels like we are over the honeymoon stage and not really into eachother..or have had time to be into eachother...sadly...and we arent even married i def need a change of pace in our relationship and somehow need to "spice" things up.....not in the way you may all think...that department is all well...just in the simple cheesy "i love you" sense....little texts throughtout the day saying "i miss you' or random notes written to eachother about how amazing we are to eachother...or staring into each others eyes and giggling like goof balls...yeah..thats stuff i miss...i guess work...bills...our dogs..and life itself  has consumed most of our life and has taken away why we are really with eachother. I know this little douch bag..annoying self is the man of my dreams lol...hard to see because he is such a hard ass but i know he loves me..just hard to see through that thick layer of mr we spoke and things will be changing soon which i am glad to hear...and i cannot wait for valentines to get spoiled not materialistic at all.....(shifty eyes)...but in all seriousness...def cant wait for our relationship to make it through another 6rs+.........onto some different news...Will finally got his tattoo cherry popped and became part of the tattoo world and got himself a tattoo on his arm...its of bullet bill from Mario Bros...and i absolutely love that he is such a dork...i think they did an amazing job and i cant wait to get some $$ to get another tatt done...i havent really figured out what i would be getting exactly because ive thought about it way too much but i know i want it to be meaningful and something i will look at later and absolutely love...since the tat i already have i cant even see unless i look through a mirror with a mirror...but i know it looks nice back there hahha.....after getting tatted up hung out with the crew and had a good time..but didnt really get as drunk as i thought i was gonnna get...sadly i was the only one sober at the party and fell asleep around i was a little bit of a party pooper but theres always next party! So theyre announcing some snow for this week and im hoping it comes down pretty hard...i really want some days off to relax...yeah i know...weekends are just not doing it for not that i hate work all the time but hey some days off here and there because of the weather sound good to me...well..not really because i dont get paid which sucks so....maybe just 1 day off! Hoping to remain positive for the rest of this week and see some changes in my mood...i got me the game Zumba for the wii and its really great..its def gonna kick my ass because i cant dance to save my seriously a white girl at heart...but i need to get into some workouts to keep me away from the couch and pajamas all day....well..i really just ran out of things to im gonna call it a night and head to sleep or just watch my babes play video games.....!


  1. I know exactly what you mean. After being with someone for so long things can start to fall into routine and begin to feel normal. It's great that normal is comfortable (and in our case healthy b/c a lot of people are in shitty relationships) but we all love the special attention and butterflies. They surely won't last forever. I don't know what keeps me and mine on our toes... i kind of think it's when we spend time apart.. when i'm at work stressed out i tell him i miss him and that i love him. it's gotten to the point that he says "what?? you only love me when you're at work?" LOL and that's definitely not the case but when other things aren't going so well it kind of provides me with goggles that help me appreciate and see my relationship clearer (and that it's wonderful) Have u ever thought about spending a night or two away from each other? When was the last time y'all didn't stay in the same house or sleep in the same bed? Or spend one day not talking to each other? It'll provide you with a perspective that you would normally overlook. I stood away from Timothy one night when our water wasn't on and Girl!!! I almost cried as soon as I was driving away from our house. LOL I was sad the whole night. And there was another time when he went on a week vacation and I decided that we shouldn't talk to each other (my way of complete separation) and he came back with a whole new appreciation for what we have and even talked about marriage [can u imagine??LOL] ... there's my 15cents finally :)

  2. yeah seriously..going on 6yrs is so long that we lost a bit of the spark..but yeah i dont even have time to miss him at work though because im so busy at work but this is the first year we are together with eachother every single day..morning and night and its weird because we where able to miss eachother when i was at school so we are trying to get used to it..but i def dont know what i would do without that brat...but yeah neeed more girls night outs sometimes!
