Saturday, January 15, 2011

2nd day blogging

So after some evaluation and thoughts i realized i live a pretty boring life..don't really have a purpose for a blog but i figured someone and anyone would like to get into my world and hey...why not learn a little bit more about myself through the process. My day consisted of waking up super early on a Saturday morning to attend a 6 hour class for work. I have to take these CDA course to be certified to actually keep my job, which i actually don't mind that much. I feel like keeping my brain working is good for me, although there is a shit load of work to do I know i will get it done because i have OCD..and need things done at certain times and in a certain way but at the moment i felt super overwhelmed with the amount of work that had to be done, or needs to be done for the matter. It was overall a good day, i didnt notice i was sitting in one room for 6 hours because of my friends who kept me laughing and the instructor who is quite a character. Well with some thoughts spread out I thought about how going back to school to get my masters would be difficult as shit because i would basically have to stop working or work less hours to be able to go to class and do my homework, which equals me not having any life and coming home to basically sleep away the rest of the time, which doesnt sound like something i need to be doing. As of lately ive felt completely and utterly useless, i have been sick for basically 2-3 months(on and off) which has resulted in me slouching around the house in my pajamas...not cooking..and not being active at all unless walking to the bathroom and refrigerator for snacks falls under the "being active" category which i highly doubt. Ive felt like ive been eating away at my life and although those who know me know i shouldnt be loosing weight but gaining some..they know i am completely self conscious about my appearance as it is and gaining as little as 5lbs makes me freak out and go in starvation mode. I have a certain weight i refuse to go over and i think anything close to that weight makes me feel horrible about myself. I know it is pretty sad and kinda self absorbent...but shit....this is me...Not only is weight an issue...the list can go on and on...but lets leave that for another day.  All these feelings could be a result of the shitty weather we are having but man it needs to go away...ive been daydreaming of sunny days ever since Winter came around and I cant stop flipping through pictures where i had my awesome tan and my shorts...and tanks...and the beach....ahhh about needing a vacation soon. Well enough of the inconsistency in my blogs....I will be back tomorrow with some more junk about my life...

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