Monday, February 14, 2011

Playing Catch up

Well to any of my followers..i do apologize for taking a really long time to blog. Since i was in Texas I didnt really have too much time and when i came back i had to catch up with time with my pup pups so I really didnt get time to get on my computer and blog around. But Since my last blog ive had a really easier time with life. I think i really did need a vacation and some time away from home,work and life. It was amazing to wake up..get room service...breakfast..lunch and dinner every day...and get to have some really good times with the teens that came with. Although i really wanted to come home because i was seriously missing home and my pups i knew i was 50/50 about it all because i knew i would come home to face reality. Texas turned out to be a really cool place...not much going on unless you had a which i had to drive around Texas, but it was def different from being in the city. I loved the accents and found myself holding convos with my teens with the texan accent. Once i came home i couldnt imagine how much my dogs had missed be but they seriously wouldnt let me go anywhere alone around the house because they would begin to cry for my attention. I really cant believe how much a dog can show affection or care about their owner as my dogs do..they can bring me up whenever i am down..and make me smile whenever i am mad or sad. They seriously are my babies and dont care what anyone says about me treating my dogs like babies...they mean the world to me and will always mean the world to me. After a few days of thinking i realized i do need friends in my life and people who care about me..and its a part of life to disagree or not be on the same page about things but at the end i cant say i dont need friends in my life because i guess i really do. I just need to learn to appreciate friendships more and value them more....but on that note todays Valentines Day and ive got to say after our 5th Valentines Day we can still be as in Love as the first time. This is just another day to spend money on eachother and sow them you care about them through flowers..balloons..stuffed animals and chocolate..but i do love Valentines Day but I do agree with the rest of the world on how its so overrated but my kids at work seriously made my day and showed me how much they care about me with all the candy i cant consume in a day.(which btw i ate all) and came home to a Valentines Day Hello Kitty<3 and some chocolate and a card. It really is the little things that make me smile. He knows exactly what i like and what makes me happy and that is all that matters...i dont need an expensive dinner...expensive that cost a fortune or a box of chocolate that i dont end up eating. It is about the little things...the way he looks at you..the way he makes you smile..the way he runs his fingers through your hair while you cuddle and watch a movie...the way he holds your hand while waiting at a red light..the way he kisses your forehead and whispers he loves you at night...that is my Valentines Day valentines day gift i receive every day. He seriously makes me happy..although i have my days..where i want to be overly spoiled and consumed with exaggerated signs of affection i know thats not what our relationship is about..its about the little things that prove our love is still passionate and still happening. Ive gotta say after playing catch up on a blog i seriously am going everywhere here and i do apologize to anyone reading but I will start writing everyday so that these blogs have a bigger purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Im so happy you are back! We need to get down and sloppy at plato's closet!
