Thursday, March 3, 2011


So today i was leaving work to go to my 2nd job and on my way out the building i saw a purse on the first glance thought it was a plastic bag...2nd look noticed it was a purse..picked it up and did what a good Samaritan would do and find a contact through it...while looking through i noticed a good amount of cash was in it...i say..$300.00, a debit card..and a drivers License. I left all the money in...found a contact # and told my boss to give the person a call. We call..she freaks out and heads to my job to pick it up. I had to leave so my boss was in charge of handing back the purse. I find out later, the person who lost her purse came to pick it up and didn't even say thanks. She grabbed it..and left. I was left in complete shock. I know if i lost something and someone found it, i would look through it..made sure everything was in it..and then say THANKS. but nope...some people just don't know what that word means. So i began i should have taken that money...but i believe in karma and know that my good deed will come back to me...and i will get something great happen to me. i gave myself a good pat on the back and kept on moving. But just left me thinking about this world..and the reason people even think about stealing...or how people don't believe in giving something back that they find....because of people like that who dont know how to appreciate great people in this world....With all that said....lets move on...i requested my official college transcript from PSU for my job and i received it today. I opened it with excitement because it had been a while i reviewed my transcript or my grades. So while I'm looking over them i cant help to smile and pat myself on the back once more....nothing but A's and B's for 4 straight years. Taking almost 18-20 credits a semester..working and still managing to do great in school. Not to mention a loan free bachelors. Of my 4years in college..i was grateful to have paid my college through scholarships and grants that i was able to walk away with almost a free education. Excluding junior and senior year where i had to pay out of pocket but it just goes to show how a little motivation can go a long way. I never gave up when times where hard...i never backed out because i was scared..just don't know what happen to all of that motivation...that the motivation i am trying to find within me now....guess i really needed those transcripts to show me i am smart...i have been smart...i have potential to do better...i have the potential to go far in why am i scared about life..why am i scared to move forward. Guess i still need some time to figure all of this out.

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