Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 2.

Day 2. A picture of someone you have been the closest to the longest.

 Our parents met way back when we where in 2nd grade. My mom babysat her and her brother..and then her mom became my Godmother. We went to the same elementary school..same middle school...same high school...and yes...same college. We where never super close but when we where in college..she was my roomate..and the best roomate in the world. She had my back..i had hers...we went anywhere..talked for hours about nothing..and made our college experience the best. Def <3 this girl. We know that our friendship is pretty unique...we can go months without talking but as soon as we talk its like we never where apart..there was never ever no drama or fights between us because we knew how to give eachother space...something i really value about her.  
My Roomate/GodSister Jen  

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